The proven reserves of carbon available for creating C-® Carbon Negative Diamonds amount to an astounding 15,196,125,000,000,000 (15.196 quadrillion) carats, establishing these reserves as the largest ever discovered for diamond production. This colossal figure underscores the unprecedented scale and potential of C-® Carbon Negative Diamonds in the gemstone industry.
Artists conception of 15.196 quadrillion carats of C-® Carbon Negative Diamonds.
The methodology used to calculate Proven Reserves of C-® Negative Diamonds
Here’s how we calculated this figure:
The amount of Carbon contained in Methane generated from Coal Mining:
According to the Global Energy Monitor's analysis, operating coal mines emit 52.3 million tonnes of methane per year1. Using this as a baseline, we can calculate the weight of carbon in this methane:
52.3 million tonnes of methane * (12/16) = 39.225 million tonnes of carbon (Source)
39.225 million tonnes of carbon weighs 1.96125 x 10^14 carats. This enormous number can be written out as 196,125,000,000,000 carats.
To break this down:
We start with 39.225 million tonnes of carbon
Each tonne is equivalent to 5 million carats (1,000 kg * 5,000 carats/kg)
Multiplying these figures gives us the result in carats
This calculation demonstrates the immense scale when converting between tonnes and carats, highlighting how even seemingly large quantities of carbon by weight translate to astronomical numbers in gemological terms.
The amount of Carbon contained in Atmospheric C02 that we must remove to return to Earth’s atmosphere to 350ppm, the amount considered safe for life)
It is estimated that to meet the Paris Agreement climate goals we now need to remove about 7 billion tons of C02 containing about 3 billion tons of carbon, equal to 1.5 × 10 to the 16th power carats. That means there is enough atmospheric carbon to produce 15,000,000,000,000,000 carats worth of diamonds. (source)
The proven reserves of carbon available for creating C-® Negative Diamonds amount to an astounding 15,196,125,000,000,000 (15.196 quadrillion) carats, establishing these reserves as the largest ever discovered for diamond production. This colossal figure underscores the unprecedented scale and potential of C-® Negative Diamonds in the gemstone industry.