Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Carbon Negative Product?

A Carbon negative product safely stores more carbon than is released, or remains in the atmosphere, during its production. (source)

What is a Carbon Negative Diamond?

A Diamond bearing the USPTO registered C- (C Minus®) trademark is grown in a lab using renewable energy, like solar power. Every C-® Diamond grown sequesters more carbon in the diamond than is released into the atmosphere.

I thought the goal was Carbon Neutral. Why is Carbon Negative better?

Carbon-Negative vs. Carbon-Neutral

To understand why carbon-negative products are better than carbon-neutral products, it's helpful to compare the two:

  • Carbon-neutral products have a net zero carbon footprint. The emissions generated during their production and use are offset by an equivalent amount of carbon removal.

  • Carbon-negative products go further by removing more Carbon from the atmosphere than they emit during production. Since we get the carbon to make our diamonds from greenhouse gases, we remove more greenhouse gases than we emit. Scientists say this has a “net-negative” effect. That is why we call these diamonds “carbon negative”, instead of “carbon neutral”. Reducing the carbon humans released into the atmosphere by burning oil, gas, and coal, since the Industrial Revolution is one of the best ways to mitigate climate change. (source)

How much does a C-® Diamond cost?

C-® Diamonds are the most affordable diamonds ever produced. At the same time, they can be considered the most valuable consumer product ever made because their production reverses the effects of human-caused climate change.

What is Carbon Sequestration?

Carbon sequestration is the capture and secure storage of carbon that would otherwise be emitted to or remain in the atmosphere.

How does producing Carbon Negative Diamonds help reverse climate change and global warming?

Carbon Negative Diamonds are produced by converting carbon from methane gas and carbon dioxide into solid diamonds. The Carbon in diamonds does not contribute to global warming or climate change. Carbon in solid form is good.

How can I tell if my diamond is Carbon Negative?

You can tell that your diamond is Carbon Negative because it has the registered C Minus® trademark on the girdle.

We require all authorized C Minus® Diamond Manufacturers to certify that 100% of the energy used to grow each C Minus® Carbon Negative diamond comes from renewable sources, like solar power, so that no carbon is emitted during the growth of the diamond.

Where does the Carbon in your diamonds come from?

The Carbon in our Diamonds comes from Methane or Carbon Dioxide,  powerful Greenhouse Gases. Since we use renewable energy to generate the power to create our diamonds, no Carbon is emitted into the atmosphere. The carbon is safely stored in the diamonds. Our Growth Process  is Carbon Negative without the need to use Carbon offsets.

What are Carbon offsets?

Carbon offsets are a way to compensate for greenhouse gas emissions by investing in projects that reduce emissions elsewhere. Products that don’t emit any carbon into the atmosphere are better than those that do and require carbon offsets to reach carbon neutral or negative status. Products that capture and securely store more carbon that would otherwise be emitted to, or remain in, the atmosphere, like the C Minus® Carbon Negative Diamond, are the best!

Where can I buy a C Minus® Carbon Negative Diamond?

We will add a list of retailers once the product is available in stores. Here is a link to our online concept store

How can I apply for permission to use the C Minus® mark on the Carbon Negative Diamonds I produce?

Apply for a license to apply the C Minus® mark here: Apply for A License

I’m a Diamond Jewelry Retailer. How can I carry the C Minus® Diamond Brand?

Fill out our Retail Application and we’ll send you information about our brand.